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Complete traceability

Keep track of your stocks’ every move

Backed by Accounting double entry system, our inventory management software traces the products every move from one location to another.

Manage your stock all track all your past and future inventory transactions. Have real-time, comprehensive access of product information, distribution and operations.

Easily extendable system to glove-fit your inventory needs. Add QC functions, packing or any other customised pickings, and trace them all from one single location.

Prevent stock-outs with double-entry tracking

Our WMS system uses double-entry tracking to enable FIFO, LIFO and Average costing systems. Setup customised rules,such as push rules, pull rules, make-to-order, minimum stock rules, etc.,and ensure the optimal stock levels all the time.

Employ cost-effective peripherals

From tablet-friendly web interfaces to mobile-dedicated apps can help enhance your inventory floor operations and improve overall efficiency. Use barcode synchronisation and manage your stock in real time. 

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Modern, automated functionality

Manage complex routing functionality such as drop-shipping, cross-docking and multiple warehouses with ease and empower  your system with a holistic real-time view of your products.


Automatically arrange products to be
shipped directly to your customers


Manage your products by weight, size and quantity and automate their allocation to appropriate storage facilities

Multiple warehouses

Manage multiple warehouses from a single system easily and know their stock levels at any time.

Odoo CMS - a big picture

Customise your dashboard the way you want

Uphold efficiency and identify bottlenecks fast

Get the insights you need to make smarter decisions. Design the dashboard to show key information you need. 

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Complete Integration for Seamless Operation


Autonomously update your stock levels based on your sales and have demand forecasts from your quotations.


Generate RFQs automatically based on your minimum stock thresholds.


Track your CoGS easily with our seamless double-entry integration and have your books ready on demand. 

Operational efficiency is paramount to any business.

Streamline your business operations and processes today!